Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pita pita

A long 2 days and a walk, bus, ferry, train, transfer train, ferry, bus, train, metro, sleep, taxi, ferry, and van ride away from Italy and I find myself now eating yougurt filled pita wraps on Santorini in the Greek Isles! 

Here's a teaser before I get a chance to make a proper bolg entry down the road! 

As famously written by J.R. Tolkein - "Little by little, one travels far."

Bear in mind there are many more photo's in my Picasa Web Albums available for you to view by simply clicking on any of the thumbnails on the right side of the screen!  Enjoy. 


  1. Sounds expensive, did you spend all your money on your travel to this honeymoon destination!!! Hey Nathan so as mentioned before the one thing lacking in your posts is HTML tags. I was curious about this Santorini island and it's location. So for some reason i looked it up and it's in the middle of the Aegean Sea and looks very far away from the mainland of Greece. So now i understand your long description of travel. For some reason this was the first place i looked up!!!,+GREECE!&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=Therasia,+Greece&gl=us&ei=mea5TN-rNIn2tgOd-MmlDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCEQ8gEwAA

  2. Thanks for the teaser by the way that was a good idea. And yes your biggest posts ever to catch us up on the wild world tour.

  3. So excited/jealous that you're in Greece right now... my dream! Living vicariously through your photos and stories and wishing so badly that I could be there with you.
    Missing you...

  4. Hello Nathan.
    So we are back in Denmark, rain, cloudy and cold. . ... and you? how far are you now in your movements around the earth? - it was very nice to greet you, back on Santorini. Should your way get U around Denmark - there will at all times be an open door for you. You are a nice guy! Hope it will go U very well.
    Kindly Lone and Morten

  5. oh.. here's a link to mine selected pictures... ;
    have a very nice day ! Kindly Morten

  6. Beautiful images Morten! I will pass on your link!
